White teacher in nation’s capital wears blackface to popular festa – Once again the Brazilian school plays a leading role in racism

novamente a escola brasileira protagoniza o racismo
novamente a escola brasileira protagoniza o racismo

nega maluca

Note from BW of Brazil: In some ways, there’s really no necessity on even commenting on today’s post as we’ve covered it so thoroughly almost since the debut of this blog. Posting yet an0ther incident of the usage of blackface is just to show that Brazil has a ways to go in educating people about why this sort of makeup and performance isn’t acceptable. As numerous posts would accurately demonstrate, I think I already know how this woman would react if someone stepped to her and told her that it’s a no-no, very offensive and has origins in extreme racism and degradation of black people. “Oh, I didn’t know/mean it!” or “you people see racism in everything” or “it’s just a constume.” Sorry, I’m not buying it. ALL people should educate themselves on certain displays, costumes, signs and symbols mean before they decide to use them. I mean seriuosly…Would it be a wise move to tattoo a Chinese phrase on your arm before understanding the meaning?

Once again the Brazilian school plays a leading role in racism

By Anônima (anonymous) – Originally posted at Blogueiras Negras

It’s saddening to recognize that the space aims to be critical and problematical, yet (archaically and ignorantly) reproduces the cultural appropriation and depreciation of black people, especially when it reinforces the objectification of the black woman.

Education professionals ignore the essence and reason of the questions thrown to society in order to rethink its position in relation to caricatures, the etymology of some words, the actual situation of black people in Brazil and its important role in overcoming inequalities between whites and black.

If the school doesn’t advance on this, who will?

A school in the Federal District experienced this contradiction in having in its (festa) junina (1) commemoration the character nega maluca (crazy black woman) represented at the party by a teacher with her pele branca (white skin) pintada de preto (painted black) (the famous blackcace), as shown in the photo.

Perhaps the aforementioned school didn’t question the origin of blackface or nega maluca -1st mistake – having her as a character at their party, or not working with issues of race as oriented by Law 10.639/2003 -2nd mistake – or still hadn’t found reasons not to have a white person painted black in its party -3rd mistake.

Not only the school of this report, but other schools for Brazil play a lead role in racism, fascism, homophobia and prejudice. Until when will our schools play a leading role in this regression? Until when will the image of the black woman will be placed as funny and as a motive of mockery in educational spaces?

Drawing attention to the fact of being a professional of education posting pictures, having fun with the opportunity and posting on a social network of wide dissemination and in a public manner, which brings us to reflect on the certainty that nothing would be done and this is another ordinary and commonplace act in the country that still insists on denying its origins and the racism enrooted in its practices.

In a moment of attack on our social rights, we wonder how deep the reflections about racism oriented in our schools. It’s sad, it’s current and we must position ourselves. Racists will not pass by!

Source: Blogueiras Negras


  1. Festa Junina, also known as festa de São João for their part in celebrating the nativity of St. John the Baptist, are the annual Brazilian celebrations historically related to European Midsummer that take place in the beginning of the Brazilian winter. These festivities, which were introduced by the Portuguese during the colonial period (1500-1822), are celebrated during the month of June nationwide both in Brazil and Portugal. The feast is mainly celebrated on the eves of the Catholic solemnities of Saint Anthony, Saint John the Baptist, and Saint Peter. Source
About Marques Travae 3771 Articles
Marques Travae. For more on the creator and editor of BLACK WOMEN OF BRAZIL, see the interview here.

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