Actress Aline Dias plays a teenager on novela but is actually 21 years old

Actress Aline Dias
Actress Aline Dias

Note from BW of Brazil: Pretty actress Aline Dias is one of 6 Afro-Brazilian actors out of a cast of 71 characters on the current Globo TV novela (soap opera) Sangue Bom. This percentage of  8.4% is in line with filmmaker/media critic Joel Zito Araújo’s findings in his 34 year analysis of Globo TV’s novelas. It is not quite as overwhelmingly white as another current Globo novela where none of the actors were black out of a cast of 56 (they recently included one black actress to the cast). In other words, it’s business as usual over at Brazil’s most popular television network in terms of lack of diversity. Oh well, at least we can say that Aline is pretty, right? Below is a short write up on role on the show from the Extra website. 


Aline Dias still goes to school and experiences conflicts of a teenager in the Globo TV novela Sangue Bom (meaning “Good Blood”). But what few people know is that in real life, the adopted daughter of Bárbara Ellen (Giulia Gam) is already a beautiful 21-year young woman. In the plot, Luz da Silva, the daughter who was born in Acre, shows much maturity giving advice to the sisters Amora (Sophie Charlotte) and Malu (Fernanda Vasconcellos).

Aline Dias portrays Luz da Silva on the Globo TV novela "Sangue Bom"
Aline Dias portrays Luz da Silva on the Globo TV novela “Sangue Bom”


Source: Extra

About Marques Travae 3767 Articles
Marques Travae. For more on the creator and editor of BLACK WOMEN OF BRAZIL, see the interview here.

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